Interface of MySQL and MariaDB now is unstable

You can use wal-g as a tool for encrypting, compressing MySQL backups and push/fetch them to/from storage without saving it on your filesystem.



To configure the connection string for MySQL. Required. DSN format user:password@tcp(host)/dbname


To use SSL, a path to file with certificates should be set to this variable.


Command to create MySQL backup, should return backup as single stream to STDOUT. Requried.


Command to unpack MySQL backup, should take backup (created by WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND) to STDIN and unpack it to MySQL datadir. Required.


Command to prepare MySQL backup after restoring. Optional. Needed for xtrabackup case.


Delta-backup is the difference between previously taken backup and present state. WALG_DELTA_MAX_STEPS determines how many delta backups can be between full backups. Defaults to 0. Restoration process will automatically fetch all necessary deltas and base backup and compose valid restored backup (you still need WALs after start of last backup to restore consistent cluster). Delta computation is based on ModTime of file system and LSN number of pages in datafiles.

Note: Incremental backups only supported in wal-g xtrabackup-push command.


To configure base for next delta backup (only if WALG_DELTA_MAX_STEPS is not exceeded). WALG_DELTA_ORIGIN can be LATEST (chaining increments), LATEST_FULL (for bases where volatile part is compact and chaining has no meaning - deltas overwrite each other). Defaults to LATEST.

Note: Incremental backups only supported in wal-g xtrabackup-push command.


Command to replay binlog on running MySQL. Required for binlog-replay command.


To place binlogs in the specified directory during binlog-fetch, binlog-replay or binlog-server


To configure the data to connect the replica to for binlog server.


To configure the server id of the binlog server. Should be unique for each replica.


To configure the connection string that will be used by binlog-server to connect to your MySQL. DSN format: user:password@tcp(host)/dbname

Operations with binlogs: If you'd like to do binlog operations with wal-g don't forget to activate the binary log by starting mysql/mariadb with --log-bin and --log-basename=[name].


To configure split backup stream into several parts and upload them in parallel. Backup file names have a suffix _0000.bz.


To configure block size (bytes) into which backup stream split. Blocks of this length size is put into each partition in turn.


To configure max file size (bytes) before compressing. If partition size become more than max file size, it split on several files. Backup file names have a suffix _0000_0000.bz.


Configure max attempts to download backup file. Default value 1.


WAL-G mysql extension currently supports these commands:


Creates new backup and send it to storage. Runs WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND to create backup.

wal-g backup-push


Creates new backup with xtrabackup tool and send it to storage. Runs WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND to create backup. WAL-G levereages knowledge of xtrabackup format to support additional feature (e.g. incremental backups)

wal-g xtrabackup-push

To place incremental backup in the specified directory during backup-fetch


Lists currently available backups in storage

wal-g backup-list


Fetches backup from storage and restores it to datadir. Runs WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND to restore backup. User should specify the name of the backup to fetch.

wal-g backup-fetch example_backup

WAL-G can also fetch the latest backup using:

wal-g backup-fetch  LATEST


Sends (not yet archived) binlogs to storage. Typically run in CRON.

wal-g binlog-push

When WALG_MYSQL_CHECK_GTIDS is set wal-g will try to be upload only binlogs which GTID sets contains events that wasn't seen before. This is done by parsing binlogs and peeking first PREVIOUS_GTIDS_EVENT that holds GTID set of all executed transactions at the moment this particular binlog file created. This feature may be useful when you are uploading binlogs from different hosts (e.g. after master switchower) Note: Don't use WALG_MYSQL_CHECK_GTIDS when GTIDs are not used - it will slow down binlog upload.


Fetches binlogs from storage and saves them to WALG_MYSQL_BINLOG_DST folder. User should specify the name of the backup starting with which to fetch an binlog. User may also specify time in RFC3339 format until which should be fetched (used for PITR). User have to replay binlogs manually in that case.

wal-g binlog-fetch --since "backupname"


wal-g binlog-fetch --since "backupname" --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


wal-g binlog-fetch --since LATEST --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

You can stop wal-g from fetching newly created/modified binlogs by specifying --until-binlog-last-modified-time option. This may be useful to achieve exact clones of the same database in scenarios when new binlogs are uploaded concurrently whith your restore process.

wal-g binlog-replay --since LATEST --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" --until-binlog-last-modified-time "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


Fetches binlogs from storage and passes them to WALG_MYSQL_BINLOG_REPLAY_COMMAND to replay on running MySQL server. User should specify the name of the backup starting with which to fetch an binlog. User may also specify time in RFC3339 format until which should be fetched (used for PITR). If until timestamp is in the future, wal-g will search for newly uploaded binlogs until no new found. Binlogs are temporarily save in WALG_MYSQL_BINLOG_DST folder. Replay command gets name of binlog to replay via environment variable WALG_MYSQL_CURRENT_BINLOG and stop-date via WALG_MYSQL_BINLOG_END_TS, which are set for each invocation.

wal-g binlog-replay --since "backupname"


wal-g binlog-replay --since "backupname" --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


wal-g binlog-replay --since LATEST --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"

You can stop wal-g from applying newly created/modified binlogs by specifying --until-binlog-last-modified-time option. This may be useful to achieve exact clones of the same database in scenarios when new binlogs are uploaded concurrently whith your restore process.

wal-g binlog-replay --since LATEST --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00" --until-binlog-last-modified-time "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"


Runs mysql server implementation which can be used to fetch binlogs from storage and send them to MySQL slave by replication protocol.

wal-g binlog-server


Backups can be marked as permanent to prevent them from being removed when running delete. To mark backup as permanent call wal-g backup-mark -b backup_name. To remove permanent flag - call wal-g backup-mark -b backup_name -i When incremental backup is marked as permanent - all parent backups also marked as permanent.

Typical configurations

MySQL - using with xtrabackup

It's recommended to use wal-g with xtrabackup tool in case of MySQL for creating lock-less backups. Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:

 WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND="xtrabackup --backup --stream=xbstream --datadir=/var/lib/mysql"                                                                                                                               
 WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND="xbstream -x -C /var/lib/mysql"                                                                                                                       
 WALG_MYSQL_BACKUP_PREPARE_COMMAND="xtrabackup --prepare --target-dir=/var/lib/mysql"                                                                                              

Restore procedure is a bit tricky: * stop mysql * clean a datadir (typically /var/lib/mysql) * fetch and prepare desired backup using wal-g backup-fetch "backup_name" * start mysql * in case of you have replication and GTID enabled: set mysql GTID_PURGED variable to value from /var/lib/mysql/xtrabackup_binlog_info, using

gtids=$(tr -d '\n' < /var/lib/mysql/xtrabackup_binlog_info | awk '{print $3}')
  • for PITR, replay binlogs with
wal-g binlog-replay --since "backup_name" --until "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z"

MySQL - using with mysqldump

It's possible to use wal-g with standard mysqldump/mysql tools. In that case MySQL backup is a plain SQL script. Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:

 WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND="mysqldump --all-databases --single-transaction --set-gtid-purged=ON"                                                                                                                               

Restore procedure is straightforward: * start mysql (it's recommended to create new mysql instance) * fetch and apply desired backup using wal-g backup-fetch "backup_name"

MySQL - PiTR with wal-g binlog-server

wal-g can work as replication source to do fast PiTR. In this case it will serve binlogs from storage directly to MySQL. It is expected that PiTR in this mode will be much faster than in classic approach because there won't be additional transformations from binlog to SQL, also you can benefit from multi-threaded replication.



Restore procedure is straightforward: * restore backup * disable replication threads in MySQL: skip-slave-start * start MySQL, purge GTIDs (see above) * in second terminal start binlog-server: wal-g binlog-server --until "1985-10-26T01:21:00Z" * in MySQL: SQL SET GLOBAL SERVER_ID=999 CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST="", MASTER_PORT=9306, MASTER_USER="walg", MASTER_PASSWORD="walgpwd", MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1; SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G START SLAVE; * wait until wal-g exit (it will wait until binlogs will be applied) * in case of errors use classic approach

MariaDB - using with mariabackup

It's recommended to use wal-g with mariabackup tool in case of MariaDB for creating lock-less backups. Here's typical wal-g configuration for that case:

 WALG_STREAM_CREATE_COMMAND="mariabackup --backup --stream=xbstream --datadir=/var/lib/mysql"                                                                                                                               
 WALG_STREAM_RESTORE_COMMAND="mbstream -x -C /var/lib/mysql"                                                                                                                       
 WALG_MYSQL_BACKUP_PREPARE_COMMAND="mariabackup --prepare --target-dir=/var/lib/mysql"                                                                                              

For the restore procedure you have to do similar things to what the offical docs says about full backup and restore: * stop mariadb * clean a datadir (typically /var/lib/mysql) * fetch and prepare desired backup using wal-g backup-fetch "backup_name" * after the previous step you might have to fix file permissions: chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql * start mariadb * WAL-G doesn't support automatic PITR for MariaDB. There are 2 possible workarounds: * You can configure restored database to replicate from your master, so it will be able to catch up (follow the official docs) * You can manually replay events with binlog and position:

wal-g binlog-fetch --since [backup name | LATEST]
# Get binlog-name, position and GTIDs:
tail -n 1 < /var/lib/mysql/xtrabackup_binlog_info
# eg 'mysql-bin.000005  385 0-1-5763'
# then replay it manually:
mysql -e "STOP ALL SLAVES; SET GLOBAL gtid_slave_pos='$gtids';"
mysqlbinlog --stop-datetime="some point in time" --start-position [position above] [all binlogs starting from thouse we seen above] | mysql --user XXX --host YYY [other options]

MariaDB - using with mysqldump

The procedure is same as in case of MySQL. You can follow the instructions from the previous section.